Instagram for Real Estate Agents

Instagram is probably one of the best social media platforms for real estate professionals, even beyond Facebook. Instagram is very visually driven, which is integral to real estate. You can’t do everything at once, so if you’re trying to decide where to focus your social media efforts as an agent, Instagram might be the place where you’re going to get the best return on your investment.

Instagram is where people “hang out,” and even beyond showing homes, there’s so much you can do that’s going to be visually appealing to potential clients. Ultimately, that might lead them to work with you when the time comes.

The following are general things to know and tips for Instagram if you’re a real estate professional.

Instagram Is Where the Buyers Are

Instagram tends to be the social network preferred by Millennials and Generation Z. These are also the generations most likely to be buying homes right now.

Facebook tends to have an older audience, and of course, that doesn’t mean they aren’t buying houses too, but younger generations are in that prime time in their lives where they’re either looking for starter homes or maybe they’re ready to upgrade to their forever home.

Selling Homes is Visual—and So Is Instagram

When you’re browsing social media, everything is visually driven. The same is true of selling homes. It’s all about beautiful real estate photography and evoking the idea of a dream home. Take this aspirational element of real estate and tie it in with your Instagram account.

Curate a space on your Instagram where people want to come to feel inspired, and then subtly tie that in with your marketing.

Use a Business Account

One specific tip to keep in mind when it comes to Instagram for real estate agents is to use a business account. You can change from a personal account to a Professional Business Account quickly and easily, or you can create a completely separate account from your personal one.

When you have a business account, you can create and publish ads without accessing Facebook ad tools.

You’ll also have access to advanced analytics so you can see how your posts and content are performing.

The analytics tools are beneficial on Instagram.

Using Instagram Analytics or Insights, you can see which posts are getting the most impressions and engagement. You can also learn more about your audience when they’re most active and demographics like where they’re located, their age, and their gender. You can use all of this data and information to build out your marketing.

Make Sure Your Profile is Complete

It sounds simple, and it is, but it’s also something a lot of agents don’t do—make sure your Instagram profile is completely filled out and lets people know how to get in touch with you.

Use a professional photo and add your website or blog as well as your phone number.

In your Instagram bio, include what you do, your niche, and your location. Also, consider using your bio as a place for a call-to-action.

Keep Your Branding Consistent

You want to keep your branding consistent across all of your channels, and Instagram is no exception. One way to create consistently branded content is to use the same filter on all of your photos. It will give your Instagram profile a professionally curated feel, and it’ll be something that people start to associate with you.

Use Stories and Live

Instagram is a great way to connect with your audience. Don’t forget to use Stories and Live to communicate in other ways, outside of just adding photos to your profile.

When you use Stories and Live, you’re giving people a chance to get to know you, and it’s a form of video marketing that feels authentic. Plus, people tend to engage more with Stories even than static photos you post on your profile.

Consider Spending On Ads

Finally, Instagram is an excellent place to spend money on ads. You can set a budget, and then you can share a single image, or you can use multiple photos in a carousel.

When you create a sponsored ad, you can directly target a specific audience, and as always, don’t forget the call to action.


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